Discover Your Non-Negotiables


ne·go·ti·a·ble /nəˈɡōSH(ē)əb(ə)l/ 


Open to discussion or modification. 

Like many of my classmates, I arrived in Yakima bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to do the dang thing already. 

"I got my white coat, wore a stethoscope around my neck and felt overdue to tackle the world and the challenges that laid in front of me. Quickly, I realized that my drive was not unique. In fact, I found myself surrounded by equally-energetic, remarkably intelligent, determined and goal-oriented students."

Warning: This is a weird feeling. 

However, what I decided to do with that unusual feeling has been crucial to my success in medical school. 

Throughout our first year I tried countless things to get into a groove. I turned to the resources that my classmates recommended. I downloaded apps on my iPad, only to find myself deleting them a short time later. I even opened a real book. Yes, you read that right. But in the midst of finding my school groove, I lost sight of what I needed outside of school. 

I am someone that thrives on a balance of social activities and quiet alone time. It was difficult to achieve that balance in a new state, surrounded by new friends and new places to explore and enjoy. Through that balance-discovering struggle, however, I discovered something about myself that has proven to be invaluable as a medical student. 

I discovered my non-negotiables. 

I need a free day on the weekend to reset. 


Whether that reset comes in the form of exploring a new city, skiing, or just lounging and watching a movie, having a chance to stop for a moment has proven to be crucial for my success. 

I need to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. 


I know the hours I need to get each night in order to be a functioning human being with/without caffeine. Whether I am behind on lectures, have an upcoming test or know that the following day might be long, I do not budge on the hours of sleep I need. 

I need to connect with friends and family. 


It’s all too easy to get sucked into the grind of medical school only to look up and realize you completely forgot your dad’s birthday; your little sister’s dance recital; your best friend’s first day of their new job. 

Don’t do this! 

The amount of time it takes to pick up the phone and let the important people know you’re thinking about them will go a long way. 

PNWU is excellent at not only challenging us academically but also making sure that we are compassionate human beings that are empathetic and open-minded. If you’re reading this, struggling to discover your own balance, be aware that you too have non-negotiables. They may be very different than mine, but they’re likely just as important. 

As I continue identifying and understanding my own non-negotiables, I also prepare to someday serve as a physician capable of recognizing those non-compromising values in my patients.


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Ciara Gorman

Osteopathic Medical Student - 2nd Year (OMS II)
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences

Ciara Gorman